Classes and Sessions
Sound Baths-Meditation Classes-Kundalini Yoga classes-Workshops-Circles-Retreats
Sound Baths
A sound bath is a relaxing, meditative expereince. you wont need your swimming costume and you wont be getting wet!!. However you will be ‘bathed’ in sound waves. These sound waves a produced using various instruments such as the Gong , crystal bowls, tibetan bowls, chimes and more , helping to balance your energy system, benifets include, relaxation, and increased sence of wellbeing, expanded awarness and healing on many levels.
Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga is an ancient practice combining breath , movement, sound and meditaion. With many benifits including a faster metabolism increased self awarness better mood, lower stress levels. It buildspysical strengh within our bodies the ability to move our own energy to create flow balance, working on our physical , mental and emotional body. Kundalini Yoga is for everyone !
Meditation Classes
Meditation comes in many forms, and is for everyone! From working with the breath, to gulded medition, walking, movement, sound medition, going deep within ourselves, connectiing with differnt energies, or simple enjoying a favorite hobbie or pass time, this all meditation, and its all very good for us!! I offer classes for the courious beginner who would like to explore meditation and its benifits to more advanced sessions to help deepen your practice.