Reiki Courses
Reiki First Degree - Reiki Second Degree - Reiki Master/Teacher level
Reiki First Degree - Shoden
Shoden introduces you to this Universal energy. Enabling you to work on yourself and others. By learning Reiki you are quite literally taking your own heath and wellbeing into your own hands. It provides you with important tools that you can use to help balance your energy system, promote self healing and spiritual development. This level ‘unlocks’ the Reiki energy and helps you to start a regular self practice at home, bringing with it many changes in your life.
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Reiki Second Degree - Okuden
To move on to the Okuden deepens your experience with the energy, furthering your practice and spiritual development. This level provides you with approaches that will enhance your treatment of others, in person and at a distance. Second degree moves your Reiki journey onto the next level.
Okuden, Reiki Second Degree is available to those who have completed Shoden.
Master/Teacher - Shinpiden
Mastership equips you with everything required to pass the gift of Reiki on to others. It provides you with all of the support and resources you need to teach others successfully while also deepening your ongoing journey.
Before starting Shinpiden you must have completed both Shoden and Okuden.